480 Volt Three Phase Autotransformers

D. 480 Volts Primary, Three Phase Autotransformers

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TEMCo Single Phase Autotransformers are 50/60 Hz rated and come in a NEMA 3R enclosure for indoor use as well as outdoor protection against rain and sleet. Our transformers are built to last, guaranteed. That's why we back these with a decade long warranty.

• UL Listed, CSA Approved
• Copper windings
• 50/60 Hz rated
• NEMA 3R Enclosure (for indoor or outdoor use)

Looking for a different specification? Click here to see all the primary voltage configurations, or see our full selection of autotransformers here.

Product Selection

Copper Wound Autotransformers, 480V Primary

Select Secondary Voltage Below
kVA 600V 575V 550V 480V 460V 440V 416V 400V 380V 240V
15 T55260 T55270 T55280 T55290 T55300 T55310 T55320 T55330 T55340 T55350
30 T55261 T55271 T55281 T55291 T55301 T55311 T55321 T55331 T55341 T55351
45 T55262 T55272 T55282 T55292 T55302 T55312 T55322 T55332 T55342 T55352
75 T55263 T55273 T55283 T55293 T55303 T55313 T55323 T55333 T55343 T55353
112.5 T55264 T55274 T55284 T55294 T55304 T55314 T55324 T55334 T55344 T55354
225 T55265 T55275 T55285 T55295 T55305 T55315 T55325 T55335 T55345 T55355
300 T55266 T55276 T55286 T55296 T55306 T55316 T55326 T55336 T55346 T55356
450 T55267 T55277 T55287 T55297 T55307 T55317 T55327 T55337 T55347 T55357
500 T55268 T55278 T55288 T55298 T55308 T55318 T55328 T55338 T55348 T55358
750 T55269 T55279 T55289 T55299 T55309 T55319 T55329 T55339 T55349 T55359

Output Amps

kVA Output Amps at:
600V 575V 550V 480V 460V 440V 416V 400V 380V 240V
15 14.4 15.1 15.8 18 18.8 19.7 20.8 21.7 22.8 36.1
30 28.9 30.1 31.5 36.1 37.7 39.4 41.6 43.3 45.6 72.2
45 43.3 45.2 47.2 54.1 56.5 59.1 62.5 64 68.4 108.3
75 72.2 75.3 78.7 90.2 94.1 98.4 104.1 108.3 113 180.4
112.5 108.3 112 118.1 135.3 141.2 147.6 156.1 162.4 170.9 270.6
225 216.5 225.9 236.2 270.6 282.4 295.2 312.3 324.8 341.9 541.2
300 288.7 301.2 314.9 360.9 376.5 393.7 416.4 433 455.8 721.7
450 433 451.9 472.4 541.3 564.8 590.5 624.6 649.5 683.7 1082
500 481.1 502.1 524.9 601.4 627.6 656.1 693 721.7 759.7 1202
750 721.7 753.1 787.3 902.1 941.4 984.2 1040.9 1082.6 1139 1804