Wire Cutter Selection Guide

Wire Cutter Selection Guide

Trying to figure out how to pick a wire cutter? Here are some things to consider when you need to select one.

Cutting Capacity

The cutting capacity tells you what size wire can be cut and will be rated according to either the wire gauge or the diameter of the cable (not including the thickness of the insulation).

Blade Material (Hardness)

The blade material determines what metals can be cut. Many wire cutters can only cut aluminum and copper because electrical cables are almost always made of these materials. If you need to cut steel cable, be sure to get a cutter that is rated for cutting steel. Otherwise, you will ruin the blades.

Blade material can also make the tool insulated or not (e.g. some are fiberglass). TEMCo wire cutter blades are made from forged carbon steel.

Handle Length (Leverage)

The longer the handle the more leverage and force you will be able to apply and the easier it will be to wire.

Insulated vs. Non-Insulated

Non-insulated cable cutters have insulation, but the difference is that insulated cutters come with an extra layer of insulation. Insulated cable cutters can be used on live wires while non-insulated cutters cannot.

TEMCo wire cutter

Product Selection

Part # Cutting Capacity Type Handle Length Blade Material Handle Material Cuts Conductors
TH0001 3/0 (000 AWG) Manual Cable Cutter 12" Forged Carbon Steel Steel Aluminum & Copper only (Do NOT cut steel)
TH0002 500 MCM 18"
TH0003 750 MCM 24"
TH0247 3/0 (000 AWG) 12" Aluminum
TH0248 500 MCM 18"
TH0249 750 MCM 24"
TH0035 500 MCM Ratcheting Cable Cutter - Polymer
TH0036 1000 MCM - Steel